Date de publication
30 mars 2024
Nombre de pages
22 x 17 x 0,7 cm
215 g

Timon Of Athens

William Shakespeare


Prix public : 19,00 €

"Timon of Athens" by William Shakespeare is a tragedy that explores themes of friendship, wealth, and betrayal. Set in ancient Athens, the play follows the downfall of Timon, a wealthy and generous nobleman who lavishes his friends and associates with gifts and favors. At the beginning of the play, Timon is beloved by all and lives a life of extravagance and indulgence. However, when his fortune begins to dwindle, his so-called friends quickly abandon him, revealing their true motives and leaving Timon to spiral into despair and bitterness. As Timon's fortunes decline, he becomes increasingly misanthropic, railing against the corrupt nature of humanity and rejecting society altogether. He retreats to the wilderness, where he embraces a life of solitude and renounces all human contact. "Timon of Athens" is a searing critique of the fickleness of human relationships and the corrosive influence of wealth and power. Through the character of Timon, Shakespeare explores the consequences of unchecked generosity and the fragility of social bonds. Despite being one of Shakespeare's lesser-known works, "Timon of Athens" offers a compelling exploration of the darker aspects of human nature and remains a thought-provoking meditation on the nature of friendship, loyalty, and the pursuit of wealth.
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