Date de publication
1 mai 2021
Nombre de pages
28,5 x 21 x 0,6 cm
240 g

Yuedu Fence - Fangcao Hanyu: Ling Series (Reading)

Committee Of Fangcao


Prix public : 18,00 €

Fangcao Hanyu: Ling Series – Reading. ISBN: 9787561957417 Fangcao Hanyu: Ling Series is suitable for the teaching of children of Chinese origin abroad aged 7-12. It includes three volumes: Pinyin, Learn to Read Chinese Characters, and Reading, which are both independent and interrelated. Each book can be regarded as a menu from which the teacher chooses items and combines them freely according to the students’ Chinese proficiency for the sake of improving their Chinese language skills within a short period. This textbook nearly only consists of Chinese annotations and is suitable for the teaching of children of Chinese origin. Features of this series: 1. Practice-oriented, targeted at training students’ speaking and communication skills, its content organized based on the needs of instruction; 2. Stressing children’s self-directed learning and guiding students towards self-study, practice and application through the teaching of spelling skills, character recognition techniques and sample sentences; 3. Boosting students’ interest in learning and enhancing their learning effect through a great number of children’s songs, games and fun exercises. This is the volume of Reading, which includes 15 lessons and 3 “Chinese Garden” exercises. Each lesson contains an easy short passage. The passages cover a wide range of topics and expose students to a multicultural world to cultivate their Chinese competence and global horizons. The book presents substantial content and feasible steps of teaching. Teachers can create interactive activities based on the design of each lesson. About the Author The editorial committee of Fangcao Hanyu is formed by several veteran teachers at Fang Cao Di International School. Formerly Fang Cao Di Primary School founded in 1956, Fang Cao Di International School has attracted students from different countries, regions, and cultural backgrounds who speak different languages to learn Chinese there. The teachers, with well-founded Chinese knowledge and rich Chinese teaching experience, have designed this textbook series to meet students’ actual learning needs. Editorial Review 1. A fruit of decades of Chinese teaching experience of the teachers at Fang Cao Di International School and a combination of knowledge and fun; 2. Focusing on communication and practice and aiming to improve students’ language and communication skills within a short period; 3. Stressing children’s self-directed learning and motivating children to learn through children’s songs, games and fun exercises; 4. Content organized alongside the teaching steps, which is convenient for both teachers and students. Suggestion It can be used with the volumes of “Pinyin” and “Learn to Read Chinese Characters” in the same series, or as a reading skills training material that supplements other integrated textbooks. Each lesson taking 1–2 class hours, this book can be finished within 1–2 months if 5 class hours are spent on it each week. 芳草汉语·灵系列 阅读册 《芳草汉语·灵系列》适合7~12岁的儿童使用,分为拼音册、识字册、阅读册三个分册,各册教材相对独立,又互相关联。教师可以根据学生的实际水平,对教材内容进行菜单式的自主选择与组合,以便在短期内提高学生汉语听、说、读、写的水平。 本套教材: 1. 以实际运用为导向,以培养口语交际能力为目标,以教学需求为主线来组织学习内容。 2. 注重儿童自主学习,以拼读能力为先,引导学生自学与实践应用;关注识字方法和句式示范作用,引导学生拓展应用。 3. 教材中融入大量的儿歌、游戏、趣味练习等内容,激发学生学习兴趣的同时提升学习效果。 本书为阅读册,包含15课和3个“汉语园地”练习。每课包含一篇简单的短文,以话题为纲,内容涉及世界多元文化,旨在培养学生的汉语能力和国际视野。教材内容丰富充实,教学流程可操作性强。教师可以结合每课的内容涉及动手制作互动。 作者简介 本书作者为《芳草汉语》编委会,由芳草地国际学校的数位资深教师组成。 芳草地国际学校前身为芳草地小学,始建于1956年。六十多年来,来自不同的国家和地区、拥有不同文化背景、使用不同语言的学生在这里学习,这里是学习汉语的乐园。学校教师团队拥有扎实的汉语知识和丰富的汉语教学经验,为满足学生的实际学习需求,编写本套教材。 编辑推荐 芳草地学校名师教你学汉语! 1. 凝聚芳草地国际学校教师数十年汉语教学经验,集知识性、趣味性于一体。 2. 以培养交际能力为目标,以实际运用为导向,旨在帮助学生在短期内提高汉语口语交际能力和书面表达能力。 3. 注重儿童自主学习,融入大量儿歌、游戏和趣味练习,激发儿童学习兴趣,让学生快乐学习,快乐成长。 4. 以教学过程为主线来组织学习内容,既方便教师教学,也方便学生学习。 使用建议 可与《芳草汉语·灵系列》拼音册、识字册配套使用,也可作为阅读专项学习教材,配合其他综合教材使用。在每周5课时的情况下,建议每1-2课时完成1课,则1-2个月可学完本书。
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