Date de publication
4 novembre 2013
Nombre de pages
18,3 x 11,4 x 1,2 cm
180 g

Saint Shuddhananda Bharati, A Visionary

Christian Piaget


Prix public : 12,00 €

Saint Shuddhananda Bharati, A visionaryTo my friend, to my guide, to the mahatma of my heart, to the visionary of a united world living in peace and harmony in the earthly paradise that God has given us.Life and destiny is like an iceberg; most of us is hidden, and for some, this is the start of the long path of questioning… For souls that are searching, the time then comes when the seeker finds what is being sought: the precursor, the one that has opened the path, cleared it out and illuminated the way. Thus in the deepest part of our Selves, at the centre of our soul, Joythi, the Divine Light is revealed and works on meeting all those who seek it.Kavi Yogi Maharshi Shuddhananda Bharati was a scholar, linguist, scientist, seer poet, saint and the sage of the Cosmic Age. He was ever agile and active, writing, singing, doing good and observed silence for 30 continuous years. He was a universalist, who was not bound to caste, religion, colour and race or geographic bounds. He was an apostle of Sama Yoga, which seeks for a synthesis of science and yoga, West and East, the actual and the ideal in life.Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati is the author of creative and literary works with ­diverse writing styles: epic and lyric writings, melodramas, operas, comedies, pastoral theo­logies, novels, short stories, biographies, notes on famous works, essays.Bharata Shakti Kavi Malayam is his magnum opus.Editions ASSA, Christianananda Bharati
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