Date de publication
8 septembre 2016
Manitoba / Entreprises et société
Nombre de pages
21 x 13,6 x 1,8 cm
370 g

Le Procès De La Communication, Accusée, Levez-Vous !

Thierry Wellhoff


Prix public : 21,00 €

<p>La communication, la fameuse « <em>com</em> », est accusée d'être superficielle, manipulatrice et de polluer notre espace sonore et visuel. Dès qu'une chose est perçue comme manquant de fond, voire fausse, il est même d'usage de dire « <em>C’est que d’la com’!</em> ». Elle serait fautive en nous manipulant. Coupable <em>la com’</em> ? Qu’en est-il vraiment ? Ce livre a une ambition : permettre à la communication — enfin — de s’expliquer. Et pour cela, il fallait la mettre en examen.<br /><em>Ce livre est donc un procès</em>.<br />Car la communication est partout : dans la politique, les entreprises, le marketing, les associations, sans oublier la communication interpersonnelle (dans le couple, avec ses amis, au travail). Et puisque l’on ne parle d’elle que pour la vilipender, un professionnel nous propose une mise au point. Avec lucidité et sans concession.<br />Condamner ou acquitter la communication ? Ce sera au lecteur d'être juré.</p> <p>Communications, commonly nicknamed "comms," stand accused of being superficial, manipulative, and of polluting our sound and visual space. As soon as something is perceived as lacking substance, or even being false, people tend to say “It's just comms!” They are supposedly guilty of manipulating us. “Comms” guilty? Is that true? This book has one ambition: to give communications – at long last – a chance to explain themselves, and to do that, they had to be indicted.</p><p><em>Therefore, this book is a trial.</em></p><p>For communications are everywhere: in politics, businesses, marketing, associations, not to mention interpersonal communications (among couples, with friends and at work). Moreover, since they are never discussed without being vilified, a professional offers us a different focus –lucidly and without concessions.</p><p>Will communications be sentenced or acquitted? Readers will be the jurors.</p> <p> Une réflexion qui bouleverse nos a priori.</p> <p>Disons-le tout de suite, le livre est plaisant à lire car T.W, l'avocat, possède au-delà de son expérience, une écriture facile et une culture du XXe siecle et d'avant qui appelle en renfort les grands hommes de l'histoire, les philosophes, les scientifiques, les patrons...</p> <p>Thierry Wellhoff met la communication en examen pour mieux la défendre. </p> This book has one ambition: to give communications – at long last – a chance to explain themselves <p>Communications, commonly nicknamed “comms,” stand accused of being superficial, manipulative, and of polluting our sound and visual space. As soon as something is perceived as lacking substance, or even being false, people tend to say “It’s just comms!” They are supposedly guilty of manipulating us. “Comms” guilty? Is that true? This book has one ambition: to give communications – at long last – a chance to explain themselves, and to do that, they had to be indicted.</p><p><em>Therefore, this book is a trial.</em></p><p>For communications are everywhere: in politics, businesses, marketing, associations, not to mention interpersonal communications (among couples, with friends and at work). Moreover, since they are never discussed without being vilified, a professional offers us a different focus –lucidly and without concessions.</p><p>Will communications be sentenced or acquitted? Readers will be the jurors.</p>
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