Editions Edilivre
Date de publication
26 août 2015
Collection Classique
Nombre de pages
24 x 17 x 0,3 cm
142 g

Short History Of The Department Of Anglophone Studies Of The University Of Ouagadougou

Balele Éric Bamouni

Editions Edilivre

Prix public : 10,50 €

This book recalls not only the past of the English Department but also the past of the University of Ouagadougou. The contents are useful to both lecturers and students. This book, though not exhaustive, gathers some useful information that is worth being kept in memory. While reading the following lines, you will know the actual origin of the University of Ouagadougou and all the restructuration plans it underwent until now, now being the year 2014. You will also know the history and development of the UFR/LAC, the Training and Research Unit that comprises the Department of Anglophone Studies, the main point of the book. In this book you will know. The first school that introduced the teaching of English in Burkina Faso, the date of creation of the English Department, the Heads of Departments since its creation until now, the development of each diploma and degrees awarded by the department, the contents of teaching programmes, etc.
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